Book Thoughts on Girl Wash Your Face

It took me a while to read this book, but only because I prefer audiobooks. It's easier for me to process things when it's read to me. So, mini win, I read more than half the book (paper) and then started slacking because it was the holiday season. You know how it goes, it's chaos with family events and holiday parties. Nevertheless, I promised I would finish the book before the new year and mission accomplished. Semi-cheated because I bought the audiobook to listen the last the five chapters, but it was worth it. I like Rachel Hollis voice; it was easy to stay captivated with the story.

Anyway, things I took away from the book:

- Your dreams matter.

- Your side hustle is work even when no one understands it.

- You matter, and we should take care of our mind, body, and soul.

I did feel that this book was more mommy related, yet my friend who is a mom thought it was more about entrepreneurship — either way, we both liked it. Even though I'm not a mom, there was a lot of lessons/guidance I took from it, and the same went for my friend (who's a mommy). We're all in charge of our life, we're all in charge of our feelings so we shouldn't let people get to us, and we need to make our well being a priority.

My biggest take away and new mantra, "love yourself enough to stop quitting on yourself." (Watch my New Year New Vibes Vlog). If you haven't read the book, buy it or better yet get the audio version. I found it more interesting. Oh, you can follow me on Goodreads (@justjossn) to see which books I'm currently reading.