Gratitude Pumpkin

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Thanksgiving is around the corner… what are your grateful for?

Here’s a fun activity you can do with your family and friends. Make a “Gratitude Pumpkin!” It easy to do and immensely satisfying to make.


Here’s what you need:

1. Pumpkin, Fake Pumpkin, Print-Out, or Pumpkin Pie Dish

2. Sharpie


Read more about it on the FABLOW AgriLife Newsletter


Now, here’s what you do:

1. Place your pumpkin on your kitchen/dining table with a sharpie, so it's easy to access.

2. Every evening around mealtime, discuss what you're grateful for with your family.

3. Every evening, add a few things you're grateful for, writing in a spiral around the pumpkin.

4. Start with the essentials (grateful notions) like family, friends, etc.

5. Then add the fun/silly things like you're grateful for pumpkin spice, coffee, etc.

6. By the end of November, admire your gratitude pumpkin and notice everything that you wrote down. (Reminisce your notions)

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Learn More about the Gratitude Pumpkin Activity on the FABLOW AgriLife Podcast & YouTube Channel.