Using Social Media for Programming

The information provided is more of a highlight of what the FABLOW AgriLife team did, in response to COIVD. In late March, we all had to cancel our face-to-face programing so we acted quickly implemented one of our programs using Facebook (group -private). All the information below shows what we did to host one of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension programs.

FABLOW AgriLIfe Quick Turn around.png

Quick OVerview:

- Swift Turn-around

- Program outline created with-in 2 weeks

- Marketed for 1 Week

- Program was 8 Weeks

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Platform: Facebook Group (Private)

- Controlled Group

- Used Members Request as Pre-Survey

- Group Rules were used as Programs Waiver

- Walk & Talk (WAT) Teams were also posted & encouraged

- Qualtrics was also utilized for Pre & Post

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- Content Calendar created to help with organization and social media posts.

- Weekly Lessons (BLT Curriculum) with Daily Break Down Posts

- Video lessons were recorded & edited

- Used "Seen" as roaster for weekly check-in. Those who watched video participated in weekly lesson.

- Created YouTube Playlist & Pinterest Board for members to access content at a later date. Only participates/users with link may access content.



- Created a Daily Post Break Down to help increase users to participate in daily activities. (Infographic example on right)

- LIVE Weekly Raffle - used wheel of names to help pick weekly winner.

- The more the user participated - the more their name was put into the drawing.

- Used Facebook features like poll, live video, and open ended questions to help with user - friendliness & participation.

Lessons Learned

  • Create more LIVE videos - users get notifications when LIVE and would increase participation retention.

  • Video lessons to be created with more time if scheduled out. (Each video was created a week in advance which felt rushed).

  • Market event longer than a week to provide more accessibility.

  • Using the "tagging" feature more often to increase member notifications.

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Take away

- It's doable!

- It can be a team effort (multi-county collaboration).

- Same layout can be applied to another social media - platform that you're comfortable with.... KNOW YOUR SM!

- Planning is key!

- Implementing can be time consuming - it just depends on how you want to implement it.... (you can schedule in advance).

- Don't forget about participation - comment & check-in on daily posts.


Using Social Media for Programming

NEAFCS Social Media Education Award - 1st Place 2021. The fabulous FABLOW team presented at the 2021 NEAFCS Annual Session. #neafcs #concurrentsession #socialmedia

Due to COVID, the FABLOW AgriLife team acted quickly and created an online version of Walk N Talk: Rethink Your Drink! using social media. Learn the different techniques and platforms used to implement their online program.