Online Outreach Initiative

Every year, my office (Frio AgriLife Extension) tries to brainstorm new ways to market our local 4-H program. This year, we decided to create videos that could be shared through social media due to COIVD. We felt like this was the safest route to pursue; however, this online marketing approach ended up being successful. We decided to keep this approach for future years to come. Below is an outline of our online outreach initiative.

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Initial Idea

(Frio 4-H

Grows Plan)

- Create one marketing video

- Create script for the youth to use

- Use Council 4-Hers

- Post on Facebook (Frio Co. Main Social Media Source)

& Have Club Members Share

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What Actually Happened...

- Brought Idea to Club Managers - agreed to use Council 4- Hers

- Council 4-Hers changed idea! They forgot lines, so made up their own.

- Decided to do more of a "testimonial" version.

- They wanted the video short & sweet!

- Video to be around 30 sec to 1 min to increase views.

Watch their videos! They did such a good job!

Video Editing

  • Main Software - Camtasia

  • Pics used from D12 4-H Facebook (FB), Texas 4-H FB, & Frio AgriLife FB

  • Slides at the end of Video created on Canva

  • Music used from YouTube Studio (It's Free and Copyright protected)

Video Recording

  • Took place during One Day 4-H Event (Ext. Office)

  • Council wore they club shirts.

  • Bought a green table cloth for video background

  • Used lighting and camera supplies

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Basic Marketing Plan

- Create FB posts to create awareness

- Videos scheduled out everyday (Monday - Friday) for one week.

- Use official hashtag created by Council 4-H (#FrioCo4H)

- Share/tag parents to create engagement.

- After week log post - create video playlist for user friendliness & easy access for later.

- Post follow-up FB post for retention.

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Goals & Metrics

Our goal was to build awareness of the program, create brand loyalty with our target audience/community.

This week-long promotion had great results with our social media outreach. Our insights reached a new high.

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  • It's doable!

  • Videos can be short & sweet

  • Don't make it complicated

  • It can be fun but you might have to do some convincing.... get parents permission.

  • Editing is the only part that might be time consuming - it just depends on want you want.

  • Online "sharing" can be the new word-of-mouth (marketing tool)

  • Social Media Marketing can be Impactful