Do You “Bell-ieve” in Wraps?

After a week of eating tons of food - it's good to have light and healthy lunch options! Join me as I show you how to create a tasty yet healthy lunch that can power you through your day! Oh, be in the know about bell peppers. Learn tips and more…

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This simple and easy lunch recipe, hummus and veggie wrap is sure to satisfy any member of the family for a healthy lunch. Keep this recipe on hand for easy lunches!



Did you know? Bell Peppers can be red, yellow, or green! So there’s a lot to look for when selecting them in the store. Learn some tips on how to select bell peppers.

  • Look for brightly colored peppers with a glossy sheen.

  • Peppers should have firm walls and be heavy for their size (weight wise).

  • Avoid peppers that look dull, have punctured walls, are shriveled and/or have soft watery spots.

  • Make sure to wash before use.

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There are so many ways to use bell peppers, as well as store them. Learn all the different ways on how to preserve bell peppers properly.

  • Chill bell peppers (whole) in fridge and use with 4- 14 days.

  • If you store bell peppers in a plastic bag, use within 5 days.

  • If freezing, cut pepper into strips and place in an airtight container in the freezer. Use within 6-8 months.

  • After harvesting, store peppers in the vegetable crisper and use them within 3-5 days.

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