Mindfulness - Applying it in the Workplace

The information provided is more of a highlight of what the FABLOW AgriLife team responded to COIVD. Honestly, this team has been implementing “mindfulness” approaches/techniques since the group formed. Below is an example of our mindfulness practices in the workplace.

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Quick overview

FABLOW'D AgriLife is a multi-county collaboration between the Family and Community Health (FCH) Agents of Frio, Atascosa, Bandera, and Wilson County.

FABLOW implements and promotes “Better Living for Healthy Texans” by addressing health and wellness topics through online content.

A handout was created for a visual example and quick take away.

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Not a clique

First and foremost, FABLOW AgriLife is not a clique. We welcome to work and collaborate with any colleague. As a matter of fact, we're always looking for people to interview on our podcast, so if you're interested, let us know!

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FABLOW AgriLife Meetings are our made form of communication.

- Bi-weekly check-in's/Collab Conferences (Kept each other informed with county updates during COVID chaos.)

- Regional Discussions (FABLOW is contains both D12 & D10 Agents)

- Support Group for Contact Tracing (Helped each other with software issues)

- Moral reinforcement

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Stress Outlet

We use content creation as a stress outlet and apply it with “intention” practices.

We’re also “aware” of each other strengths & weaknesses - we apply it when creating content.

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Mindulness Activities

We create content around “mindful activities” for both our podcast and YouTube Channel.


“Laughter is the best medicine”

"It's not all work and no play." We may be colleagues, but we also consider each other to be good friends. We try to have fun with our programming and content creation.

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Quick Activity

Take a second and write three things that you’re grateful for… it can be something big or small. You can practice this little activity daily to remind yourself of all the good things in your life.

If you have more time, you do the “Gratitude Pumpkin” activity with your family and friends.

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FABLOW AgriLife has several resources you can benefit from - we excel when it comes to social media education, so make sure to check out our "FABLOW -US" content:

- Podcast: FABLOW AgriLife is on 11 different platforms

- Blog/Main Hub: https://fablowagrilife.weebly.com

- YouTube & Pinterest: FABLOW AgriLife (find us!)