Mealtime Routines & Tips

Family mealtime is essential! There are so many benefits to creating family mealtime routines - here few ideas to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits as a family. Some routine tips include:

  • Be consistent on meal times

  • Have regular family meals.

  • Mealtimes do have to be long.

  • Keep mealtime calm and friendly.

  • Be a role model by eating healthy.

  • Give healthy food options at each meal.

  • Involve kids in the meal planning.

  • Cook/bake with your kids.

More tips on Dinner Tonight:



Did you know…

that baking with your kids boosts their development?

Get your kids in the kitchen, for it offers a wide variety of opportunities for them to learn and grow!


Other ways to Involve your kids in the kitchen…

Simples tasks you can do with your kids depending on their age:

Learn more ways on how to involve kids in the kitchen:


5 ways to end mealtime battles with your kids that you should try now…

It's easy for…

food to become a source of conflict. The key to calm, positive meal times is an appropriate division of responsibilities between adults and children.

Here are some ways to have meals without squeals:

  1. Family 1st! Make regularly scheduled meals.

    • Family meals are a comforting ritual both parents and kids.

  2. Don’t force kids to clean their plates.

    • Kids like food less if they are forced to eat them.

  3. Create positive peer pressure.

    • Children learn to eat new foods by watching other people eat and enjoy them.

  4. Create a calming presence during mealtime.

    • The best family meals have minimal distractions.

  5. Give kids some control.

    • Limit the kind of foods available at home, so they can create healthy choices.

Learn more on Dinner Tonight:


Did you know that families who eat together are healthier and happier?

in fact…

We encourage families to cook, talk and eat together – and make mealtime part of fun family time.

Learn more about the benefits that come from eating together:



Almond Butter cookies

Who doesn’t love that traditional fork-pressed crisscross pattern? These easy homemade cookies are fun for the kids to help with, plus their soft and chewy, packed with protein, and are great for kickstarting your day or as a pick-me-up/post-workout snack. Best dunked in milk!