Why Wear A Face Mask?

Challenge Alert! Frio County WIC along with the Frio AgriLife Ext. Office have teamed up together to challenge our Frio County Community since COVID 19 is still knocking at our back door. We know it’s challenging to see some of our residents without a face mask covering.

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So this challenge is to remind everyone WHY it’s important!

We encourage all Frio Residents to share and express your thoughts on Facebook or any social media platform.

How it works:

  1. Take a Selfie, Post & Share Your Why

  2. Use #WhyFrioCountyWearsAMask

  3. Follow #WhyFrioCountyWearsAMask to learn from others.


Just Joss'n Why.jpg

My Why - What’s Yours?

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Also, here’s how to wear a mask:

Unfortunately, my colleagues and I have seen a lot of people wearing masks incorrectly. We want to make sure that you’re protected! To protect yourself from respiratory germs, fluids, etc., you need to cover both your nose and mouth.