DIY Homemade Sports Drink

Due to this "stay-at-home" order, I've been learning to do several things at home, including learning how to make "sports drinks!" It's not very difficult to make, but I admit that I don't see this as a long term solution. It's fun to make every once in a while if you know what I mean. Anyway, I used the Well and Good Recipe - well, more like tweaked it. I subbed a lot of ingredients to use what I already had in my fridge/pantry.

*Well and Good Recipe:

3 cups water
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 Tbsp honey
1/2 tsp salt

Toss all ingredients in in a container and mix well.

Just Joss'n DIY Sports Drink.png

swapped ingredients…

Slight Changes, I’m a big believer in using what you have.

My final product ended up alright, I’ll admit I felt like it was too much salt at first. However, overall it was pretty tasty. Watch my vlog to learn more about my experience/demo.