Yoga Headstand Bench Experience

Have you ever wanted to do a headstand? How about handstand? Well, I have! It's silly, I know, but I can't help but think how cool and strong one must be to be able to do such yoga positions.

First of all, yoga isn't easy. Some may think it is, but you would be wrong. There are many variations of yoga that you need to find the one that's right for you. Also, if you're amateur like me, then you need some yoga accessories for assistance. To do yoga headstands (yoga inversion), they have this "feet up trainer" that you can use to help with the technique. I first came across this contraption on Instagram and then became slightly obsessed. I started looking for the product on Amazon so that I can read reviews, and of course, find a reasonable price. But then I had to look no further because my friend has one! So obviously, I had to give it a try.

Surprisingly, it wasn't too difficult to use; however, I've only used the yoga headstand bench once. Obviously, one should practice the technique more often and try the different exercises you can do with the "feet up trainer." Overall, I think you should buy a yoga inversion bench if you're a beginner like me. When attempting to do headstands, one should always protect their neck, and the bench is good for safety precautions. It will also help you build your core, so when you are ready to do a headstand without the bench, you'll be strong enough to do so. To learn more about my experience/thoughts on the subject, make sure to watch my vlog below: